Questions & making an appointment

If you have questions or want to make an appointment, you can contact any one of us directly or use the contact form below.

Gunnar:, 90730814

Tuva:, 95274465

[contact-form-7 404 "Ikke funnet"]

All information provided to us is subject to confidentiality and will not be shared with anyone, in accordance with regulations of the Norwegian Psychological Association. Please avoid providing sensitive information about yourself or others per electronic communication.


Our address is Nobelsgt 16 A, in the Frogner area.

Public transportation: The closest bus stop is Olav Kyrres plass, trams at Nobels gate and Frogner plass, and it is an easy walk from Majorstuen metro station.

Parking: Opportunities for parking in the nearby streets.


Psykolog Gunnar Gjermundsen
Nobelsgt 16 A
0268 Oslo
Org. nr.: 913 767 594
Telephone: 90730814

Psykolog Tuva Langjord
Nobelsgt 16 A
0268 Oslo
Org. nr.: 995 579 081
Telephone: 95274465